Thursday, October 18, 2012


Post-sealing excitement. WE'RE MARRIED!
It's hard to believe be have been married for almost a month and a half, but look where we are! First off, Logan and I would like to say how grateful we are for all your love and support. You made our wedding day such a great memory. Although it's a bit of an overwhelming blur now, it was the funnest day ever! As we were planning the reception over the past couple months, I had a worry in the back of my mind that hardly anyone would show, and that it would be a bit of a flop. BUT this wasn't the case :) Logan and I had such a blast! It was such a party full of great memories, and you're to thank. 

The wedding was a bit difficult to plan since I was at school while the moms and sisters were on the mainland working like little busy bees (of course, our fathers were fully supportive, but we all know reception decorating isn't exactly their forte). Kristen and Dad took my engagement and bridal photos, Ashley did the flower arrangements with Kristen's help, Mom everything in between (from temple to reception), Yvonne handled the luncheon, and both moms tackled reception food. These ladies are superheroes. Andy treated us to a nice stay at the Grand America. This wedding was a family effort, and I'm pretty sure I had to do the least work of anyone. I even got to go to Lake Powell with Logan's family for a bit. Regardless, the months before the wedding were difficult. After Logan and I got engaged, he returned back to California and I to Hawaii, and the Skyping began. I'd Skype Logan to say hello. My mom would Skype me to show decoration ideas and get my opinion. It was crazy, it was messy, and it was fun. Oh yeah, there was a 14 credit semester shoved in there somewhere, and fortunately I came out alive. It was things like the Powell vacation and trips to the beach that kept me sane. 

Short engagement = :D                    Long distance engagement = :( 

Our first dance :) Awww...

Logan and I started school 3 days after the wedding. Woo! We're both taking Physiology + Lab, Molecular and Cellular Biology + Lab, Mentored Research, and Achieving Eternal Marriage. He's also taking a few online classes as well as a fitness class. I'm taking a early morning jogging class (6:00, yikes!) and English 201. I'm not gonna lie... as we talk about Homer and Shakespeare in my general requirement class, I'm going over the nervous system in my mind, preparing for my next 150-question test. Isn't it interesting how some teachers think their class is the most important thing in your life?Anyways... although we both planned to have an easy semester to enjoy our time together in Laie, we've ended up with a 16-17 credit load. The days are long, as we wake up at 5:30 to run then finish lab at 6 pm and collapse in our little studio apartment (nicknamed the "chicken coupe"). 

But it's all worth it. Logan is the best study buddy- we've been getting the top scores on our Physiology tests. We get to be together all the time and pursue our medical careers together. Yesterday in our Molecular lab, I got to look at a slide of Logan's blood through a phase contrast microscope. It was the coolest thing ever and I'm pretty sure only nerd couples like ourselves enjoy such things as much as we do. 

The other day, one of Logan's friends found out he recently got married. The friend asked "So, how is it having all your meals made for you?" (apparently not joking) and Logan replied "Dude, we make all our meals together. You've got lots to learn." Sure, this made me laugh but it also made me realize how lucky I am to have a team-oriented husband. I don't quite feel like a housewife yet because I'm not. Logan helps me too much, and doesn't deem anything "my job". It's ours :) 

I think my favorite part of the weekdays is cooking together. It's such a nice break from "school stuff", and since all we have is an electric stove, microwave, and toaster oven, he's shown me some cooking skills he learned in Japan. We also enjoy our weekly dose of New Girl, Revolution, Parenthood, and presidential debates. It's a good time.

And the weekends! We have had the pleasure of paddle boarding under Rainbow Bridge in Haleiwa with a group of friends. At one point, I looked down and saw a gigantic sea turtle swimming under our boards. We've had other adventures at Waimea Bay and Sunset Beach, as well as game nights and movie nights. We hope to go scuba diving soon, and are excited to see some whales before we leave. Heck, maybe we'll go on a hike this weekend. We also plan to take a whale-watching boat trip, and maybe a shark cage trip.We just bought some bicycles online, so maybe that will open up some travel options as well.

To close this post, I'd like to list a few things I've learned about Logan:
I'll use the number 13 since Halloween is coming up :)

1. He eats 2-3 bowls of honey bunches of oats every morning
2. Give him a frying pan and he can make anything taste delicious.
3. He is very adamant about going to bed by 9:00 when it's possible. (Okay, maybe he did this while we were dating as well)
4. He's slowly and reluctantly realizing that he married an avid Taylor Swift fan.
5. He takes longer showers than any girl I know.
6. He showers twice a day.
7. He likes to get on Google and learn random facts. Right now he's been learning (and telling me about) the richest families in history. I try to sound interested ;)
8. He knows a LOT about politics.
9. He looks like an adorable little boy when he's tired.
10. Logan loves Halloween.
11. He has special feet (he has to wear running shoes or they hurt).
12. He knows when to let me sit back and take a break while he cooks dinner or cleans the apartment.
13. He loves to learn- he doesn't attend a class to get a good grade, but to actually learn something.

That's everything from the Rahn Family! We hope you enjoyed our post, and happy haunting! 

P.S. Comment and leave your favorite Halloween traditions if you dare...