Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So the long-distance engagement begins...

Today Logan and I said our goodbyes and began our one-month separation as he drove back to California to continue working as an oral surgeon assistant. I fly back to Oahu on Saturday to finish up summer semester, which ends August 31 then back to the mainland for a Lake Powell trip in the middle of August (we hope to get married the first week of September) . This upcoming month isn't the first time Logan and I have attempted a long distance relationship- I had already committed to attend summer semester at BYU-Hawaii when Logan decided to take a break from school and begin working in Fresno last May, so we decided to toughen up and hope for the best. So far so good (: At the time we parted with hopes of maintaining a friendship, dating other people, and the possibility of getting back together in September. But things took a turn for the better. After being back in California for only a few days, Logan realized that he didn't want to date anyone else and missed me like crazy. The phone calls and Skype dates began. Over the next looooong two months, we realized two things. 1) Skype is the best invention since ice cream. 
                           2) We wanted to get married!
Although Logan's eagerness to commit after 4 months of an easygoing, fun relationship came as a little bit of a surprise, I welcomed it knowing it was what I wanted more than anything else. Looking back on those 4 months of fun (and at times, frustration), I don't regret a thing. Whom I viewed as a goofy, low-stress, low-maintenance, slow-moving guy was actually an inspired, brilliant, disciplined friend. And today, Logan is my best friend. We can talk about anything, we know how to have fun, how to help each other, and how to communicate. We can play together, study together, entertain each other, and pray together. We have been fortunate to have amazing parents who have counseled and supported us every step of the way. Logan once shared a quote with me that sums up his philosophy on dating and marriage: "Be quick but don't hurry" (John Wooden), and I'd recommend it to anyone. My advice: date to make friends, and make friends to marry. You're going to marry your best friend, so you might as well go through the process in the correct order. Otherwise it's like you're steering a car without using the gas- it's not going to go anywhere. I'm SO glad that Logan is my best friend and took the time to do things the right way. It has given us confidence and happiness in our decision to be together forever. 
Logan, see you in 28 days in the San Jose airport!
I'll miss you.


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