Monday, August 20, 2012


The end of Alex's first long wakeboarding run :)

What an epic week at Lake Powell! This was my first houseboat experience and it couldn't have been better! The weather was great. The location in West Canyon was great. The food was great. The people were great. Everything turned out to be picture-perfect- there were no injuries, no technical or mechanical malfunctions, and no storms! I didn't get sunburned ONCE. Miraculous, right? I think the best part of the trip was getting to hang out with Logan 24/7. On Thursday night, the women arrived at Walmart at about 12:30 am and we were on a mission- to get enough food for 21 people for an entire week. I also learned how to wakeboard! Logan really improved his wakeboarding skills as well- he ended the week with over a foot of air and a board-grab during his jump. It was also my first time on a seadoo or jetski. It was a BLAST. We had access to 6 and were always zipping around on the water. People were constantly taking trips out on our two ski boats, whether it was for tube wars or skiing or wakeboarding. Which reminds me- I also had my first tube war experience on this trip. Let's just say it's my new favorite thing EVER! I love whipping around at high speeds and jumping off your tube in order to drag someone else into the water. Hehehe... On Monday night we hooked up a projector and watched The Princess Bride on the canyon wall, laying on the roof of the houseboat. It was epic. Everyone was having fun with the fishing poles too, catching fish left and right. Logan's little sister, Summer, caught a catfish over 1 foot long! It was so cool. One evening we donned our life jackets with glow sticks and had an awesome time doing likely illegal things in the dark. We visited Rainbow Bridge National Monument, and got a private tour. We walked UNDER the bridge! It was a real treat. The trip couldn't have been better. Logan and I are so thankful for all the hard work and preparation that went into making it all possible. We love you guys :)

P.S. 19 days until the wedding! Ahhh!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

So close.

The words of that epic song from the end of Disney's Enchanted by Jon McLaughlin keep running through my head. So close... but still so far. (click to listen Enchanted- So Close)

After much anticipation and stress from enduring a long distance relationship (we're at a running total of 15 weeks apart), the end is drawing near. In 1 week I'll get to see my favorite person in the world! How joyous it will be :) Logan and I will reunite in California on August 8, then drive with his family to Lake Powell for a fun-filled 1 1/2 weeks with family friends, the Sorensens and Turnbulls. I am EXCITED! 

Unfortunately I will be missing school, and after all the splendor that Powell brings, I will fly back to BYU-Hawaii alone on August 19 just in time for finals. Another 2 weeks apart. Will it ever end!? After I take (and hopefully pass) some exams, I'll fly back to Utah on September 1 with less than 1 week until the wedding. Wooo!

As hard as we're trying to enjoy the engagement, Logan and I are so excited to finally be within a 100-mile radius of each other.

Quote Logan, "I never want to be away from you for more than 1 week for the rest of our lives." 
Then after a moment of contemplated extension, "Yeah, one week's good." Of course... Logan and his way with words :)

For now, this is as good as it gets. Thank you Logan for making every day a fairytale and being my best friend. See you soon :)