Thursday, August 2, 2012

So close.

The words of that epic song from the end of Disney's Enchanted by Jon McLaughlin keep running through my head. So close... but still so far. (click to listen Enchanted- So Close)

After much anticipation and stress from enduring a long distance relationship (we're at a running total of 15 weeks apart), the end is drawing near. In 1 week I'll get to see my favorite person in the world! How joyous it will be :) Logan and I will reunite in California on August 8, then drive with his family to Lake Powell for a fun-filled 1 1/2 weeks with family friends, the Sorensens and Turnbulls. I am EXCITED! 

Unfortunately I will be missing school, and after all the splendor that Powell brings, I will fly back to BYU-Hawaii alone on August 19 just in time for finals. Another 2 weeks apart. Will it ever end!? After I take (and hopefully pass) some exams, I'll fly back to Utah on September 1 with less than 1 week until the wedding. Wooo!

As hard as we're trying to enjoy the engagement, Logan and I are so excited to finally be within a 100-mile radius of each other.

Quote Logan, "I never want to be away from you for more than 1 week for the rest of our lives." 
Then after a moment of contemplated extension, "Yeah, one week's good." Of course... Logan and his way with words :)

For now, this is as good as it gets. Thank you Logan for making every day a fairytale and being my best friend. See you soon :)

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